Claudia Martinez inspired to go to UTHealth McGovern Medical School despite brain surgeries


HOUSTON – Claudia Martinez has always dreamed of becoming a doctor.

But as a student at the University of Houston, she received a devastating diagnosis. After Martinez suddenly began to have a headache and lose consciousness, she was diagnosed with a debilitating illness called Chiari malformation. It is a brain tissue extending into the spinal cord, which can cause paralysis.

"When I got my diagnosis, I was sent to a neurosurgeon," Martinez said. "He told me that I needed a brain operation as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would be paralyzed from neck to foot. And so, a week later, I had my first brain surgery. "

Despite his condition, Martinez earned his university degree and continued his studies at UTHealth McGovern Medical School. But she continued to need surgeries.

"Since I was diagnosed, I have undergone six major brain surgeries," she said. "I thought I had an operation, I knew my life would be a little different, but I thought I would have this surgery and go to medical school, and that would be the end of my story. the opposite of that. "

His last surgery in February 2017 was the most frightening. She suffered a stroke that temporarily rendered her unable to function from neck to toe.

"I had to relearn how to do absolutely everything," said Martinez. "My mother had to shower, get dressed."

But Martinez has never abandoned his medical dream. She attended a therapy at the Hermann Rehab Hospital TIRR Memorial, where she learned to walk after several months with the help of an exoskeleton. She is now in her final year at UTHealth McGovern Medical School and will graduate next year.

Martinez also organizes the annual Conquer Chiari Walk in Houston, which raised about $ 55,000 for research on the disease.

ABC13 met Martinez, who shared his inspiring journey in the video above.

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