Clinton and Chattanooga convenience store customers may be exposed to measles


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NASHVILLE, Tennessee (WATE) – The Tennessee Department of Health said customers at two convenience stores in Clinton and Chattanooga had been exposed to measles.

The state health department is still investigating a a measles case in a resident of eastern Tennessee and report to hundreds of people who may have been exposed.

Health officials in Mississippi have also warned people who may have come into contact with this man who they say has not been vaccinated.

Health officials said the people present at the Speedway on April 21, between 5:30 pm and 9:48 pm N. Charles G. Seivers Boulevard, Clinton at 8 pm, or Mapco at 200 Browns Ferry Road. , Chattanooga, April 12 between 19:30. and 22 hours may have been exposed.

Anyone who has visited one or the other of these places must check their vaccination status and locate their vaccination record.

More: 6 things to know about measles

If you are not immune to measles, watch for symptoms. Symptoms of measles can include fever, runny nose, body aches, watery eyes and white spots in the mouth. Several days after the onset of these symptoms, a red and uneven rash usually starts on the face and spreads on the body. Symptoms can appear at any time within 21 days of exposure to the disease. Nearly one out of every three measles patients will develop otitis, diarrhea or pneumonia.

If you have symptoms, stay home and contact your health care provider. Make arrangements to go to a health facility instead of going there alone to prevent others from being exposed to the disease.

A telephone line has been set up at (865) 549-5343 to answer questions about measles.


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