Clinton’s Labor Secretary: I don’t recognize Democrats’ “dialogue”


Old Secretary at work Alexis Herman Partisan bickering and elevation of “personalities” on both sides of the aisle was part of the reason for America’s economic distress today, told Fox News on Friday.

Herman said “your world“than his former boss, President Clinton, “counterintuitively”, but succeeded in bringing business, workers, Democrats and Republicans together and ushered in what was the last US budget surplus.

Herman, who succeeded Robert Reich from 1997 until the end of the Arkansas Democrat’s term, said dialogue within the party had collapsed so much that she did not “recognize” this aspect of his. political party :

“I think what I miss and what I want to see more is less about the personalities, less about the fingering and much more about the issues at stake and what is the overall good that we seek together for the common good “she said.

“I think the more we can talk about this current budget package and raise the real priorities and not the personalities, which we seem to be doing in the media these days, the better off we’ll all be.”

Earlier Friday, an illustrative photo that went viral online, as moderate West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin III clasped his face in his hands as he sat behind Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer – like the loudly Brooklynite plague against republicans and boasted that the GOP ‘the trick didn’t work’ regarding the now-avoided debt ceiling deadlock

Host Neil Cavuto noted that Clinton and Herman ushered in a budget surplus despite a divided government – Democrats in the White House and Republicans in Congress under House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi.

“[A] many people remember the boom and the economy and how Bill Clinton was the last president to see and profit from the surplus [while] work closely with Republicans on things like workplace welfare, address[ing] debt, don’t reject debt. We haven’t seen this since, secretary, under Democratic or Republican presidents, ”he said.

“[T]The environment itself, in which we communicated and collaborated, is very different, ”replied Herman.


“It’s so partisan. It’s very hard to find a compromise and seek that common good. I think in this administration, when you talk about the business community – I was happy to see President Biden bringing in leaders. company in that conversation recently this week – But it was an ongoing process with the Clinton administration – and it was counterintuitive for Democrats to do so. “

“I think that’s what strengthened the bipartisan spirit when it came to involving the business community in real solutions.”


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