CNBC correspondent encourages viewers to wear three masks


More is always better – I guess, to some extent, that is the American way. Now this philosophy is apparently spreading in the way we wear the masks.

Speaking to NBC’s Savannah Guthrie this week, Dr.Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and unparalleled expert on all things COVID-19, suggested Americans wear two masks in the instead of one. The scientific reason behind the edification, he told Guthrie, is that “it makes good sense” that two masks are “probably” better than one.

Following the natural arc of physician logic, this begs the question: why not more than two masks, then? We now turn to CNBC correspondent Contessa Brewer, who picked up the torch from there.

Speaking to anchor Shep Smith, she said Americans should probably wear three masks because, as Fauci’s logic suggests, wearing three masks is better than just two masks.

“Experts keep telling us that wearing masks is really about protecting yourself – protecting others from ourselves in case we are contagious,” Brewer told Smith. “But, you know, if other people are not wearing their masks, or if they are wearing them inappropriately, we have to protect ourselves. So experts say you can line up with a close-knit fabric mask for extra protection. “

“Now, researchers at Virginia Tech have found that doubling these fabric masks increases the effectiveness by 50% to 75%,” she continued. “A three-layer mask can block up to 90% of particles.”

One of the doctors behind this Tech study, Dr Monica Gandhi, tweeted Tuesday that the “exact recommendation” is an N-95 mask, which is currently difficult to find in the public market. So instead, she suggests people wear a surgical mask under a fabric mask or wear a double-layered fabric mask with a “vacuum bag-like” filter between layers. Ultimately, however, she noted that just wearing a single-layer mask was always better than none at all and pointed out that wearing multiple masks at once is not really practical as it will stifle your voice and “you.” pull down.

Vice President Kamala Harris has adopted the two-mask rule. When she received the second dose of her COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday, Harris wore two masks: a surgical-grade mask under a black cloth mask.

Il convient de souligner, comme je l’ai fait sur le quotidien «4 & 3 Podcast» de Faithwire, que nous avons parcouru un long chemin depuis ce que Fauci a dit aux Américains en mars, à savoir que «les gens ne devraient pas se promener avec des masques» car cela ne le ferait pas faites vraiment beaucoup pour les protéger du virus.

Fauci – ainsi que les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention des États-Unis – ont par la suite changé d’avis et déclaré que le message précédent visait à préserver le nombre de masques disponibles pour les prestataires de soins de santé et les premiers intervenants et n’était pas en fait une information correcte.

There is evidence, of course, that shows that wearing sheet masks provides some protection for people and prevents vulnerable populations from getting sick with COVID-19.

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