CNN misunderstood Brian Sicknick’s cause of death and buried the fix


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CNN released a report on Tuesday in which they finally admitted that Constable Brian Sicknick’s death was not caused by a fire extinguisher. They buried it in the eighth paragraph and did nothing to publicize it.

The story was not shared by any of CNN’s many public figures, although many did not originally do so in public.

According to the National Pulse, the eighth paragraph in question reads as follows:

“According to a law enforcement official, forensic scientists have found no sign that the officer suffered blunt trauma, so investigators believe the first reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher did not are not true. “

CNN and many other mainstream media have previously claimed that Sicknick was hit on the head with a fire extinguisher and that was what caused his death, which is now known not to be the case.

As of this writing, there is no conclusive evidence as to what actually caused the untimely and regrettable death of Agent Sicknick.

People are clamoring for multiple possibilities, the most common being that Sicknick had a latent breathing problem and had a very serious reaction to a chemical such as pepper spray, mace or bear spray that was in the air abundantly this time. that day.


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