Collective trauma in a destroyed city


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By Stephanie O'Neill, Kaiser Health News

One of Carol Holcomb's last memories of her pine-covered neighborhood is the morning sun that reflected the red and gold on her trees on November 8th. That day, she promised to be beautiful in the town of Paradise, Butte County. .

She was therefore surprised to hear what looked like raindrops hitting her roof soon after. Holcomb, 56, went out to investigate and saw a piece of pine bark floating in the sky.

"It was about 3 inches by 2 inches," she said. "And it was smoking."

It was her first glimpse of the wildfire that would become the deadliest and most destructive in California's history – a dream she continues to relive in debilitating nightmares and flashbacks.

The campfire practically cremated Paradise, a city of 27,000 inhabitants. It killed 85 people in the area, many of them elderly. Most have died at homeothers fleeing in their cars or trying to escape on foot.

For thousands of locals, the terror of sitting in traffic while the forest fire caused emotional scars on the left. "Everyone who has experienced this has been traumatized," said Linnea Duncan, a certified clinical social worker who escaped the fast-moving fire storm at Magalia, a community north of Paradise.

In the tumult of the evacuation from Paradise, Carol Holcomb lost a backpack containing her mother's Bible, her grandfather's Purple Heart Medal, and their photographs. But, thanks to a good Samaritan, she found the treasures of the family.Michelle Camy for Kaiser Health News

Dr. Sandro Galea, Dean of the School of Public Health at Boston University, said, "We expected PTSD and depression to be very heavy."

Galea, a leading researcher in the field of trauma and mass disasters, said the consequences for individuals may vary depending on factors such as the intensity of their experience, the type of support they receive. offered after the disaster and the fact that the community is gathering or not. recovery and reconstruction process.

For Holcomb, it took almost three hours to escape to Paradise. Smoke from burning houses, cars and brushwood turned day into night and reduced visibility to one foot. Barely able to see the road, she found herself behind a big truck whose tail lights her guide. While she watched the flames devour almost all around her, she could hear residential propane tanks exploding like steel-coated popcorn kernels.

"You could hear, boom, boom, boom," she said.

When she came out of the flames, her truck caught fire. Holcomb fired on the median of the highway and jumped in time to save himself and his cat. A man she did not know told her to get on her truck and they were safe. In the tumult, she left a backpack next to her truck on fire. It contained treasures: her mother's Bible, her grandfather's Purple Heart medal from the First World War and photographs of each of them.

Diagnosis: PTSD

Nightmares and flashbacks immediately after a disaster are normal, said Barbara Rothbaum, director of a recovery program for trauma and anxiety at the Emory University School of Medicine. It's the same for irritability, anger, hyper vigilance and problems with sleep and concentration. But when these symptoms persist for at least a month, the diagnosis can be made by post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Recognized for the first time by the American mental health community in 1980, it is the only mental health disorder related to exposure to traumatic events.

According to Rothbaum, for most people, psychological distress fades. But for others, especially those who avoid thinking, speaking, or writing about the event, the symptoms may persist for years, affecting their relationships, their work, and their ability. of healing.


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