College Students Will Need Proof Of COVID Vaccine Or Other Option Now That FDA Has Approved | Education


Students at four-year universities in Louisiana will soon be required to show proof of immunization, a doctor’s statement that the vaccine is medically contraindicated, or a written dissent, now that the Federal Food & Drug Administration has fully approved. Monday morning one of the COVID vaccines.

For the 91,500 students at the nine colleges in the University of Louisiana system, these documents will not be required until the next enrollment period. For LSU, details of how the mandate will be implemented are still pending.

“We informed the students of the planned addition of the COVID-19 vaccination to the required schedules as soon as we received the approval from the Louisiana Department of Health,” which was done on August 9, said the UL System President Jim Henderson. “Actual enforcement takes place during the next enrollment period. In Louisiana, immunization requirements are essentially a paperwork protocol.”

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LSU issued a statement: “Now that the FDA has given approval to Pfizer, we will release the logistics to the LSU community soon. We need to fully review the FDA approval, but we plan to implement the mandate on campus. “

LSU’s supervisory board in July asked LDH to add COVID vaccines to the list of mandatory vaccinations for public school students in June. LSU President William F. Tate IV, who took office in July, has repeatedly stated that the vaccination requirement on LSU campuses is subject to FDA approval.

The FDA gave full approval Monday morning to the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are expected to be fully approved by the FDA soon.

Cars are lining up for COVID-19 testing at LSU.

Members of all LSU sororities and some fraternities are required to get tested for COVID-19 after the school finds traces of the virus in the sanitation system serving their area of ​​campus.

The university sent members of 15 Greek sections an email on Thursday informing them that they must be tested at one of three testing sites on campus within 48 hours.

Although Louisiana’s public colleges and universities could have mandated the vaccinations on their own, higher education officials chose to wait for full clearance from the FDA because state law made it clearer. the Louisiana Department of Health has the option of adding COVID to the list of vaccinations for enrolling and attending schools.

Including two-year community colleges, graduate schools, and vocational schools, Louisiana has approximately 213,000 higher education students.

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Vaccines may be optional at LSU, but they are the price of admission for students who want to party on campus during peak week.


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