& # 39; Summer birds & # 39; looks like a possible Oscar nominee


July 11, 2018 – 11:30 pm
2018-07-11 From:

El País editorial

Two great news was announced yesterday around "Pájaros de verano", the film that August 2 will be presented at the. Screen Cristina Gallego and Ciro Guerra, and the two news have an international origin: their participation in the Locarno International Film Festival and the predictions of the specialized medium The Playlist, that the film will be nominated for an Oscar in 2019.

The first news is a reality, while the second is the opinion of experts, however, both hot the first of "Pájaros de verano" in Colombia, scheduled for this August 2.

The film also had a special role in the Guajiro municipality of Uribia for the Wayúu community, star of the film, last week

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At the Locarno International Film Festival, one of the oldest in the world and the most important in Switzerland," Pájaros de verano "will be the first film Colombian to be screened in Piazza Grande, where the largest screening of Cinema of the world, in front of eight thousand spectators

This year, the festival, which will be held from August 1 to 11, is distinguished by its official program of directors, of producers and because "a lot of films are portraits of women," said Carlo Chatrian, outgoing art director of the Locarno Film Festival and new managing director of the Berlin Film Festival.

& # 39; Birds of summer & # 39; also counts for a woman, the filmmaker Cristina Gallego, who shares the role with Ciro Guerra and Carmiña Martínez and Natalia Reyes as protagonists.

Locarno, known as "the largest of the small festivals" after Cannes, Venice and Berlin, has great prestige inside Europe and is so important in his country that his figure decorates the tickets of 20 Swiss francs.

In this festival, actors like Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Anthony Hopkins, Stanley Kubrick, Jim Jarmusch, Spike Lee, Tood Haynes, Kathryn Bigelow, Olivia Wilde, Abel Ferrara, Shinji Aoyama, Claudia Cardinale, Bruno Ganz and Isabelle Hupper have made presence

The second news is a flattering commentary on the specialized website of the film and television The Playlist which has published its forecast of the films that could be competing in the category Best Foreign Language Film at the 2019 Awards.

Top of the list, the Colombian film was presented in world premiere at the opening night of the Directors' Fortnight in Cannes, last May, where it was appreciated by dozens of critics of the world whole. the values ​​of the band, the same as surely today The Playlist takes into account to give 'Summer Birds'. as nominated for the Oscars.

However, we still have to wait for the decision of the Colombian Academy of Arts and Sciences, generally known until September, to find out if the tape will be Colombia's letter to the Oscars of 2019. [19659009]

He arrives on August 2

The "Bonanza Marimbera", the lucrative business of selling marijuana in the United States, was a harbinger of what would mark a country for decades. In Guajira, a Wayúu family will live in their own flesh the consequences of the clash between ambition and honor. Their culture, their traditions and their lives will be threatened by a war between brothers whose consequences will be felt by the whole world.

Ciro Guerra, director of "The Snake Hug", now arrives with the film "Summer Birds", which co-directs with Cristina Gallego, who is also a producer.

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