4 tips to take care of the skin of the sun



What does "covering" mean? When it comes to taking care of the sun, this involves two basic measures. First of all, do not expose yourself to the sun when its rays have the strongest intensity, that is to say between 10 am and 4 pm in the afternoon. During this time, stay indoors, do not even go to the beach.

Secondly, protecting oneself from the sun requires wearing the right clothes. In this regard, the Skin Cancer Foundation ensures that dark colored clothing and tight fabrics have a greater ability to absorb ultraviolet rays than cotton and light colored clothing. On the other hand, keep in mind that dry clothes offer a lot more protection than wet or damp.

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Use sunscreen

Never forget to apply sunscreen – factor 15 at least-. It is recommended to use one that is water resistant. Devote time and care to this practice; Otherwise, you will leave areas of your skin unprotected. Do not skimp on the amounts you apply, put on a thick layer – if you do not, you reduce the effectiveness of the protector up to 50%.

Apply the protector at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. In this way, you will give your skin the time to absorb it. Every 2 hours, repeat the procedure – do it more often if you get wet because of sweat baths or immersion.

Do not forget to put protective lips – there are lipsticks specially designed for this. It is a very sensitive (and often forgotten) area that, if not protected, can become the germ of a skin cancer.

Protect Yourself From Solar Reflexes

The Protection Of Umbrellas And Trees Is Partial This means that they do not protect you from the rays that are reflected in the sand, snow, concrete and d & # 39; 39, other surfaces. Keep in mind that ultraviolet rays can get into the water very easily, so the sea is not an effective solar shield. To take care of solar reflexes, do not forget to put yourself under the chin guard; this area is particularly vulnerable to reflected rays.

Do not let time fool you

If the day is cool and cloudy, do not rest. Ultraviolet rays do not have: they have the ability to pierce clouds and damage your skin. Even if you feel that the sun is not very strong, take precautions.

Protecting yourself from the sun in winter is also essential. The icy winds and the whiteness of the snow can be a terrible combination for your skin. Therefore, put on sunscreen, wear the right clothes and do not forget your sunglbades.

Protect your skin, take these precautions. With these simple steps you can prevent serious problems.

About: Vix Mujer

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