54% of pregnant women without influenza vaccine nationally


Ministry of Health officials have reported low immunization coverage against the H1N1 flu virus, said influenza department coordinator Homer Mejía.

"Out of 100 high-risk people, at least 95 must be vaccinated.We have not reached the goal, that's why it has been extended in the longer term, but it will be by voluntary request, "said Mejía.

The doctor said that the dose is available in all health facilities, for patients In this sense, he called pregnant women, people with chronic diseases from 6 months to 59 years old, the elderly, health workers and poultry farms to go to

According to information provided by Mejía, door-to-door vaccination is already complete, "however, the vaccine will be available upon voluntary request from patients, for the purpose to protect those who suffer from persistent diseases, the flu is a preventable disease. "

The doctor explained that according to the latest epidemiological report, there are 20 deaths due to H1N1 influenza nationwide.

Currently, 357 cases are recorded. About the origin of patients, Mejía said that most of the department of Francisco Morazán, followed by Choluteca and San Pedro Sula.

He noted that most deaths come from patients diagnosed with an illness such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

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