Can feline leukemia be transmitted to other animals?


Feline leukemia is a cancer that attacks the white blood cells of these animals. This can be fatal for both carriers and cats living with them for the latent possibility of transmission. However, this virus is only prevalent among cats.

The transmission of this disease has been a myth that affects the possibility of adoption of cats with this indication. Pets are another member of the family; there are those who have a dog, bird or other domestic animal and do not dare to accept a positive cat for leukemia for fear of rendering other animals sick.

Dogs, or any other animal, may have feline leukemia (FeLV) when in contact with infected cats. Propagation occurs only through nasal fluids, tears or saliva exchanged between them. That is, if one cat who suffers from another licks, which is healthy, the probability of contracting the disease is high, but there are cases where the immune system creates a barrier against the virus. , although very unlikely. Pregnant cats that carry the virus can infect their baby, either during the gestation period or during badfeeding.

It is also important to know the hairdressers or nurseries where the animals are taken. These spaces can house infected cats, causing an epidemic.

Dogs and cats can share the drinker or lick each other. Playing or biting will not cause the dog's infection. So, do not worry if a positive cat comes home and you already have dogs or rabbits or any other animal. Let them play and have fun with ease. There is no possibility of contagion.

It should be noted that when a cat is adopted, it is necessary to carry out examinations to know his state of health and, if he is negative to leukemia, to vaccinate him. Your business is always good and more when you share with other species. They can be the best friends, not just the man.

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