They create an automatic insulin pump to treat people with type 2 diabetes


The & # 39; Artificial pancreas & # 39; as it was called, is an innovative device that has proven to be effective in controlling blood sugar in hospitalized patients for type 2 diabetes, compared to patients who receive insulin Manually, according to a study of " New England Journal of Medicine" published Monday.

The device, whose differentiations were used to treat type 1 diabetes, was able to maintain the sugar in the blood as expected and more consistent compared to the control group

How market?

The & quot; artificial & quot; pancreas & # 39; has a pump and a small wireless tablet similar to a phone that performs a predictive algorithm.

The device features a blood glucose sensor that acts in real time, according to which the pump releases under the skin a drug insulin immediate action that performs a predictive algorithm.

Patient and Physician Benefits

Specialists believe that this innovative device could improve patients' lives and improve their health . In addition to making work easier for nurses and doctors responsible for verifying and controlling the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients [VIDEO] who are hospitalized each year. "The device reacts to the rise or fall of glucose in the blood," says the head of the study Roman Hovorka .

Roman says that this study is the first that demonstrates the effectiveness of the system with type 2 diabetic patients outside of a care setting.

His team previously showed that it was possible in a small group of people, about 40, half of whom were treated with insulin automatically.

In 2016 the artificial pancreas was approved for people with type 1 diabetes. The physician Steve Russel think that the control of blood glucose in hospitals does not have a positive effect on blood pressure. is not very good and needs to be addressed. Steve, not working is this new study however, Russel is studying automated blood glucose control, this project is known as Bionic Pancreas .

Diabetes a silent killer

United States [VIDEO] the seventh leading cause of death is diabetes due to kidney failure in patients. About 30 million adults have diabetes in this country.

It is considered more difficult to control type 1 diabetes than type 2 diabetes because blood sugar levels change more rapidly than in the first. The goal is to maintain stable glucose levels because if it is too low or too high, it could compromise the kidneys and cause complications, as well as nervous problems.

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