AWS in Argentina: "We see a strong entrepreneurial spirit, which wants to be global"


Marcos Grilanda

July 2, 2018

Marcos Grilanda, regional director of Amazon's cloud services division, highlighted the quality of professionals and the potential of startups in the local market

Amazon Web Services (AWS), the cloud services division of the technological giant, already has offices in Argentina and continues to hire professionals to build a "full" headquarters in the country and promote the globalization of entrepreneurs.

Marcos Grilanda, Regional Director of AWS

As Advance Marcos Grilanda Regional Director of AWS, who commented on the company's plans and badyzed the company's prospects in Argentina. "This is a" huge "opportunity, in front of us

" Today, we see companies of all segments and sizes speeding up their adoption . Startups like Etermax, which do everything in the cloud; Uala, who is a fintech, who uses and accelerates adoption, even companies like Pampa Energa, Diarco, Frvega, Banco Industrial, which are much more robust companies, which speed up the adoption. ", Detall Grilanda, interviewed by iProfesional. [19659007Etiladded:"Alsogovernmentandeducationalentitiescommel"ITB"Weareseeinginalltheactivitysectorsthataredevelopingstrongly The adoption of the cloud in Argentina is accelerating strongly . "

" We Want a Complete Office "

The landing of AWS in Argentina was concrete in April with the opening of its first space of work, although Grilanda states that he has local customers eight years ago, indeed, the company already has an agreement with the Ministry of Modernization of the Nation to train all the staff of officials use the cloud, support cloud business development in the country and help the government modernize its ICT.

"The intention is to be closer to our customers, to provide them with better support and our business partners. We open a full office.This is not a representation of sales Ah, we have sales, solution architects, service professionals, training , support 'company', in charge of our business partners, d u government. It's a full office, "explained Grilanda, adding that they still have open positions at

Talent, The Argentinean Differential

Consulted on what is the difference between Argentina and the rest of the countries in the region where AWS operates, the executive spoke of two key aspects: the quality of professionals and the potential of startups.

" very important technical quality. And there is a very important business spirit . We see unicorns, which are a great example when we take companies like Globant that is a partner of us, Mercado Libre, OLX, Take off, the four are in AWS. "He emphasized.

In short, he badured that" Globant is an integrating sper and business partner of us. We see a strong entrepreneurial spirit, which wants to be global. And being global based on a company like AWS is much easier, because you can choose where to place your information. ", And gave as an example OLX, the e-commerce startup that exports its services through the Amazon cloud." 19659007] "Many are now descending from their transformation strategy to the execution of this transformation and we are support in the way of doing it. "

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