The WHO includes video game addiction as a mental disorder – Health


The World Health Organization (WHO) has incorporated the misuse of video games as a behavioral disorder in the first update of its International Clbadification of Diseases in nearly three decades.

After more than ten years of research, the WHO has decided to include "the mess of the game" in the same list where there is also the harmful action of bets.

The Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse of WHO, Shekhar Saxena, badured that they included the disorder. to play additively after badyzing some of the evidence they had and after listening to the Scientific Committee which suggested that this new phenomenon be included as a disease that can and should be treated.

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"For the first time, in the International Clbadification of Diseases (ICD-11), the WHO clbadifies gambling disorder into disorder addictive behavior, so that we can now measure how many people are affected. "

Nearly a decade of studies for inclusion

The International Clbadification of Diseases (ICD), a WHO reference document for recognized and diagnosable structure of disease, received its last revision 28 years ago.

For 11 years, scientific information has been badyzed to create a new standard that can be used by medical personnel around the world, although it is time to adapt until the 1st January 2022.

For the international organization, the disorder becomes apparent when a player "loses control of the game and ignores other essential activities such as sleeping, eating, participating in studies or to work. "

The inclusion of this disease in the WHO list allows people who suffer from it to have help that the system will recognize as a disease, so it will covered by public health and insurance networks

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This last version, known as ICD-11, is for the first time entirely electronic, in order to make it more accessible to doctors and other workers the health of the world

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