Ibero-American Stock Market Supervisors Sign Agreement to Promote FINTECH Projects


July 2, 2018 – 14:35

The National Securities Commission (CNV) has signed an agreement of collaboration, consultation and exchange of information on projects fintech (Financial Technology) with other supervisory bodies that are also part of the Ibero-American Institute of Securities Markets (IIMV).

The agreement will allow the mutual exchange of information, experience and knowledge on the subject and considers cooperation in joint development initiatives. Fintech ecosystem

Supervisors express in the document their willingness to cooperate, reciprocate, trust and understand each other in order to effectively comply with the agreement.

The president of the CNV, Fernando Aníbal Escobar Espínola, who also badumed the presidency of the Council of IIMV authorities in 2017 for a period of 2 years, badured that "the signature of urea formalizes the creation a continuous framework of collaboration, exchange, debate, consultation and mutual learning on aspects related to fintech projects, which is of paramount importance to ensure stability and the security of markets and investors The National Securities Commission is a public-law entity, self-sufficient and autonomous in the exercise of its powers and functions, competent throughout the Republic, whose mission is to protect the public. ensure the competitive, reliable and transparent functioning of the stock market, as well as the veracity and relevance of the information necessary for the proper formation of prices, made available to investors and the general public to protect the interests of the parties. [19659003] The Ibero-American Institute of Securities Markets was established in May 1999 and is based in Madrid, Spain. Its mission is to promote the development and modernization of securities markets in Ibero-American countries. In addition, it aims to improve knowledge of its structure and regulations, to strengthen harmonization and to encourage cooperation between supervisory authorities and regulators.

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