Propose a Nobel Prize for Alternative Literature


In protest mode, more than a hundred Swedish personalities came together to offer an alternative Nobel Prize

For the first time since 1949, the Academy will not hand the Nobel Prize for Literature after the scandal of the playwright ] Jean Claude Arnault, husband of Katarina Frostenson, member of the institution

See more: A rape accused of the scandal at the Academy Swedish

U n group of writers, actors, journalists and other figures formed the new Academy which will deliver its own literary prize in October of this year . "We founded the new Academy to recall that literature and culture, in general, should promote democracy, transparency, empathy and respect, without privileges, prejudices of arrogance or badism", said the British newspaper The Guardian.

This alternative Academy invited librarians from Sweden to nominate favorite authors. As requirements applicants must have at least two written books, published in the last 10 years, and they can come from anywhere in the world.

"At a time when human values ​​are increasingly challenged, literature becomes an even more important counterrevolutionary force to stop the culture of silence and oppression. Academy believes that it is so important that it will award the world's largest literature prize in 2018, "the statement continues.

As soon as there are candidates, the four most popular authors will be chosen publicly, which will then be submitted to a jury. publisher Ann Pålsson, Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Lisbeth Larsson, and Librarian Gunilla Sandin. The selected winner will be announced in October, on the same dates as the traditional Nobel Prize.

"In awarding this prize, we start a protest, we want to show people that serious cultural work should not happen in a context of coercive language, irregularities or abuse", declared the new organization.

Up to now, the Swedish Academy will award two Nobel Prize for Literature for 2019.

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