Saudi Arabia Ready to Increase Production to Contain Oil Prices | AmericaEconomy


The Cabinet of Ministers of Saudi Arabia today (03.07.2018) has shown its willingness to increase the kingdom's oil production if necessary to deal with "future changes in the "Supply and demand" of oil, in coordination "One of the main objectives of the kingdom's oil policy is to achieve balance and stability in the oil markets, consulting and in coordinating with other producing countries, as well as with other producing countries.According to the SPA, he also stressed the importance of injecting crude into the market "when this is necessary to achieve common interests and promote global economic growth. "

In addition, the Council of Ministers welcomed" constructive cooperation among producing countries inside and outside the EU ". # 39; OPEC ".

King Salman bin Abdelazi badured the week last, he pledged to increase oil production at the request of US President Donald Trump, to make up for "any potential shortfall in supply."

King Salmán bin Abdelaziz, who chaired the meeting Tuesday, badured Last week, he promised to increase oil production at the request of US President Donald Trump to make up for "any potential supply deficit."

Trump has already reported on Twitter that he was asking the Saudi monarch for an increase in oil prices. up to two million barrels a day to contain oil prices because of "troubles and malfunctions in Iran and Venezuela."

After cutting oil production by more than 1.8 million barrels a day since January, OPEC and its allies decided in June to reverse the price and take it up again. one million barrels a day to keep prices at their highest level since 2014.

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