American Search for Corruption Strikes Glencore Mining


Operations in Argentina are not included in the survey

  Operations in Argentina are not included in the survey

The Swiss mining giant Glencore reported that he had was cited in the United States as part of a corruption investigation related to their activities in Nigeria, Venezuela and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The announcement of this case in US justice caused the collapse of Glencore's stock which fell 12% in London (where it is listed) in two years, according to the agency Bloomberg.

The survey, according to company sources, does not imply the operations that Glencore has in Argentina, where its main projects are Alumbrera (in Catamarca) and Pachón (in San Juan) .

Glencore said that he "received a summons dated July 2 from the United States Department of Justice to provide documents and other documents under the Corrupt Practices Act. abroad and money laundering regulations, "said the group in a statement

" The requested documents are related to the commercial activities of Glencore in Nigeria, Republic The Republic Democratic Republic of Congo and Venezuela from 2007 until now. "

The Swiss giant is limited to saying that it" would review the quote and provide other information in a timely manner. "

A month ago, Bloomberg had revealed that the group could also be the subject of an investigation in the UK for alleged acts of corruption in the Congo, a country where the activities of the company were also highlighted in the Panama Papers, works from the international consortium of investigative reporters on global tax evasion practices that involved several companies and personalities.

Glencore has been struggling for some years. In 2015, it experienced severe turbulence due to the weight of its debt deemed excessive by investors. In less than two years, he managed to reroute. Thanks to an extensive debt reduction program, its debt has risen from 30,000 to 13,900 million US dollars in the first half of 2017.

Between 2018 and 2020, Glencore increased its budget to finance its projects. investment, earning an average of US $ 4,500 million (previously $ 4,000 million).

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