In Colombia, an investment of 4,840 million USD is needed to boost the maritime and port sector


Radio Santa Fe CM

On July 16 in Madrid, Spain, will be presented at the Conference of CAF: Infrastructure for the Integration of Latin America, Investment Opportunities in the marine and port sector to bridge the gap between demand handling capacity and containers
offered in the ports of the region, estimated at 113 million TEUs by 2040. Only in Colombia, an investment of 4,840 million USD is needed.

Making the leap in competitiveness The maritime and port sector of the region requires public and private investment of US $ 55 billion in the next two decades, reveals the report Port Investment Analysis in Latin America and the Caribbean in # 2040, realized by CAF – Development Bank of Latin America.

This figure includes investments to introduce new port capacity, improve exploitation and dredging of rofundization in port nodes in the short and medium term, among others.

Half of the investments identified in the medium term, totaling USD 15 000 million, are in the port markets of Mexico (25%), Brazil (13%) and Panama (12%). Brazil and Argentina need ambitious dredging plans that represent most of the investments planned in both countries.

In the long term, investment needs exceed $ 50,000 million by 2040. Again, Mexico (24%), Panama (16%) and Brazil (13%) ) are distinguished, is detailed in the study.

"The 2040 vision of the maritime and port sector of Latin America and the Caribbean allows us to glimpse an attractive context for investors, based on factors such as the expected increase in GDP, diversification and industrial automation, strengthening the service sector, improving logistics corridors, among others, which, with the modernization of ports, will exceed 150 million TEUs (tripling of traffic current), with more than 20 ports of more than 2 million TEU (currently there are only 6), serve the new generation ships at full load in the main nodes, be part of the roads These are the main features of the trunk with direct connections to all markets and the mbadive development of cabotage and river traffic, among others, "explained Rafael Farromeque, Senior Specialist of CAF's Vice President of Infrastructure and author of the report.

long-term olombie term, requires an estimated investment of $ 4,840 million in new port infrastructure and medium term, to $ 1,025 million by 2025, equivalent to 10% of estimated investment needs in Latin America. The Caribbean. With regard to the evolution of the container market, Colombian Pacific ports increased from 0.7 MTEU in 2008 to 0.9 in 2014, while the ports of the Caribbean coast and Venezuela increased from 2 , 6 MTEU in 2008 to 3.4 in 2014.

These two cases are consistent with the growth of Latin America and the Caribbean, which went from 2.4 in 2008 to 3.7 in 2014, mainly because of the growth of Central America and the Caribbean and Venezuela

. The Caribbean coast of Colombia is also supported by transhipment traffic (70% of the total), in competition with the port of Buenaventura (Pacific coast) for the loads of the main industrial poles of the country located in Bogotá and Medellín

América Latin America and the Caribbean will have to fill a gap between the demand and the container handling capacity offered in ports by 113 million TEUs in the year 2040. This long-term gap is mainly concentrated In the maritime sub-regions of Mexico (20%), the South Pacific (26%) and Central America and the Caribbean (35%), these three regions are also the first to exceed the recommended saturation level. (> 80%) in 2017

"The challenge is to move forward in modernizing the port system from a network perspective that encompbades the entire regional port system and offers a long-term vision. port infrastructure should be accompanied by strengthening of governance models, the deployment of specialized logistics infrastructure, the securing of land and maritime accessibility, knowing that these aspects still benefit from A wide margin of development in most port areas. ", Added Farromeque.

Investment opportunities in the maritime and port sector in Latin America will be presented at the CAF Conference: Infrastructure for the Integration of Latin America, which will be will be held on 16 July at the Casa de América in Madrid, Spain, and will be attended by Mariana Prado, Bolivia's Minister for Development Planning, Esteves Pedro Colnago, Chair of the CAF Council and Minister for Planning, Development and from the management of Brazil, Mauricio Cárdenas, Minister of Finance and Public Credit of Colombia, Pilar Más, Director General of Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics of the Ministry of Economy and Business Affairs; Spain, Carlos Oliva, Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru, Lea Giménez, Minister of Finance of Paraguay, Mario Bergara, President of the Central Bank of Uruguay, Salvador Marín, President of COFIDES, Joan Rosell, President of the Spanish Confederation of Professional Organizations (CEOE) and Juan Béjar, President of Globalvía, among others.


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