Heat stroke: causes, symptoms and how to treat it naturally


Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature exceeds 40 ° C. In hyperthermia, the hypothalamic set point does not change, but the body temperature increases by overcoming the regulation mechanisms

The shot Heat is a disorder caused by excessive heat in the body. temperatures or physical effort at high temperatures. Heat stroke is the most serious form of heat injury and can occur if the body temperature reaches 40 ° C (104 ° F) or more. This condition is more common during the summer months.

Heat stroke requires emergency treatment. If left untreated, it can quickly damage the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. The damage worsens as attention is delayed, increasing the risk of serious complications or death.

In this article, we will teach you a little more about heat stroke, its causes and its symptoms. We will also give you some tips to treat it naturally.

Symptoms of heat stroke

Some of the signs and symptoms of heat stroke are:

-High body temperature. A central body temperature of 104 ° F (40 ° C) or higher, measured with the aid of a rectal thermometer, is the main sign of heat stroke.
– Alteration of mental state or behavior. Heat stroke can cause confusion, agitation, diction, irritability, delirium, convulsions and coma. You may feel your stomach moving or wanting to vomit.
– The red skin. The skin may blush when the body temperature increases.
– Expired breathing. Breathing can become fast and superficial.
Headache. The head can beat.

Heat stroke may occur following:

Exposure to a hot environment
The type of heat stroke called "untrained heat stroke" (clbadical) occurs in a warm environment which causes an increase in body temperature. This type of insolation often occurs after being exposed to a hot, humid climate, especially for prolonged periods.

It occurs more frequently in the elderly and in people with chronic diseases.

Intense activity
The effort is due to the increase in body temperature that causes intense physical activity in a hot climate.

Anyone who exercises or does activities in a hot climate may suffer heat stroke due to stress, but is more likely to occur if you are not accustomed to high temperatures .

In one or the other type of heat stroke, the condition may appear for the following reasons:

too much clothing: this prevents sweat from easily evaporating and cools our body
-Alcohol Drink: It can affect the body's ability to regulate the temperature.
-Déshydrater: By not drinking enough water to recover the fluids we lose through sweating

Natural Remedies to Treat Heat Strokes

1. Coconut water to moisturize

Drinking coconut water is an excellent and natural way to moisturize. If we are athletes, we will love what we are going to expose now. In addition to its high water content, this drink is distinguished by significant amounts of electrolytes. As if that were not enough, it contains potbadium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus.

What to do?
Have a glbad of coconut water (200 ml) before or after training, or when high sun exposure.

2. Cold Water
It may be necessary to introduce our whole body in cold or cold water, so that the body temperature can fall as quickly as possible. If you do not give it the necessary attention, irreversible damage can occur.

What to do?
You can do this by sitting in a bathtub filled with cold water for 5 or 10 minutes.
Someone helps us during this time.

3. Hydrate our body quickly

We must relieve the temperature of our body inside and out and, therefore, it is important that we drink a lot of water. Drinking extra fluids can help reduce the risk of dehydration.

What should you do?
Try to drink 1 liter of natural water
If possible, ingest oral rehydration serum.

4. Bags with Ice
Ice packs are generally used for the treatment of burns and swelling. However, its calming and refreshing effect makes it an ideal remedy for heat stroke, to regulate the temperature again.

How to use
Apply an ice pack in certain areas such as:


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