State Department: They claim that PDVSA has lost more than 130 billion dollars


On Tuesday, the deputy and member of the Standing Committee on Energy and Petroleum of the National Parliament, Elias Matta gave information, that in the last 19 years, the national oil company has stopped producing at less 1 million 796,000 barrels of oil, which equates to losses of nearly $ 130 billion.

Venezuela Al Día

also commented "only in the case of Pdvsa Occidente after the expropriation of the companies that settled on the east coast of the lake they stopped producing 575 thousand barrels of oil, this which represents a loss in dollars of more than 30 billion dollars. "

Source: The IMPULSE

According to UNT legislator, the current production of PDVSA is 1 million 392 thousand barrels oil according to the latest report of Opep

Puntualizo, that "PDVSA is a bankrupt company, a company that does not give resources to the state and unfortunately this is part of the crisis that we live, because oil generates 96% of the foreign currency entering the country. "

On the other hand, with regard to the general economic crisis in the country, Matta said that" This has destroyed the middle clbad So we see that the parking lot is paralyzed and the houses are deteriorate and we see how people are fleeing the country. Nobody supports inflation of such magnitude. "

He also said that only in the past 5 years inflation has increased by 2.281.725%, while the depreciation of the currency, since the arrival of President Nicolás Maduro to the government is 13.999 He explained that another element that adds up is the 87% of poverty that the country holds according to the latest surveys.

It should be noted that the MP said: " we want to contribute to the solution of the problem, because we can not wait for Maduro or not. The situation needs to be resolved immediately, so the Energy and Oil Board is working on a report on how to recover the industry. This report is based on two fundamental points; immediate attention and recovery of wells and seeking funding. "

Similarly, Matta has proposed a series of measures that, in his view, are necessary if we want to recover the country's economy." He stressed that the elimination of control of changes and stopping the printing of inorganic money, the construction of a new currency and the elimination of price controls are the important points.

D & # 39; after THE IMPULSION

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