Natural gas vehicle conversions increased 131%


Editorial Economics

The use of vehicular natural gas reduces carbon monoxide (CO) emissions by 20%, in 70% of ultrafine particles (PM2.5) and in 23% of carbon dioxide (CO2), argues a report

One of the natural gas vehicles launched on the Colombian market Naturgas

The conversion of vehicles to natural gas increased by 131% in May from this year. result of the increase in the price of gallon gasoline which increased by $ 161 on average for this month, followed by other factors such as renewal of business fleets and service public and final installation price incentives transferred to customers, borrowed Gas Natural

The competitiveness of natural gas against the rise in the price of gasoline in effect on June 1 would be close to 54% That's a saving of almost $ 4,500 per gallon. On this point, it is also important to note that the behavior of the price of the m3 of natural gas is more stable, indicates the report of the gas company.

" The Conversion Fund, headed by Ecopetrol and TGI, ] also aims to provide the end customer with access to the product by providing an incentive that reduces the final value of the product. Vehicle Installation: To give an example, the present value stipulated for this incentive in the city of Bogotá is $ 1200.00, which covers about 30% of the average value of a facility The current Fund has coverage up to In 2018, but the negotiation process has already begun to extend its validity until 2021, "the press report.

Gas Natural estimates that at least 170,000 natural gas powered vehicles operate in Colombia. According to the historical conversions of the last 5 years, about 52% of them correspond to public service and the rest to particular segments and others, the company stands out.

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