Married couples share the risk of diabetes mellitus: your doctor


"If a woman has an increased risk of developing this disease, there is a high probability that this risk will be shared with her husband."

Married couples may share the risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 according to a new study of the University or Copenhagen

The World Organization of Health (WHO) indicates that in the world there are approximately 422 million people with diabetes which shows a steady increase in the prevalence of this disease, along with the growth in prevalence of overweight and obesity .

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Married couples share the risk of diabetes

University or Copenhagen found a link between index of body mbad (BMI) of some members of the couple and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, by they also suggest that if a member of the couple has overweight and of obesity, it is necessary to go to a specialist

Thus, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 can be predicted from BMI of his wife

Jannie Nielsen research leader, mentions that coexistence between a woman and a man, that is to say, living together as a couple supposes

Dietary habits and factors of sedentary lifestyle that predispose to overweight s and obesity would be shared

This would increase the risk of diabetes .


This study further suggests that in addition to early detection of diabetes mellitus this detection should not be limited to the examination of patients separately; a preventive family approach should be adopted

"If a woman has a higher risk of developing this disease, there is a high probability that this risk will be shared with her husband."

The Mexican Diabetes Federation, AC states that psychosocial support through the family, the couple, health care professionals and others with diabetes is fundamental to cope with the disease. 19659003] We also suggest: White rice or brown rice: which is the best?

It is very important to emphasize the importance of avoiding negative psychosocial aspects after the diagnosis of ] diabetes

For example, the following emotions:

] 1. Fear

2. Anxiety

3. Sadness

Finally, for no reason, there should be misunderstanding or discrimination because of being overweight, obesity or diabetes

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