Exports, fishing, non-traditional exports have 22 consecutive months of growth | Economy


Peruvian non-traditional exports increased by 19.1% from January to May 2018, registering $ 5.277 million. In addition, he has accumulated 22 consecutive months of growth, as indicated by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur).

YOU CAN SEE Mincetur denies that the project seeks to regulate rents by applications

The government entity pointed out that this result it was supported by the dynamism of sub-sectors metallurgy 22.9%, fishing 1.9% and agriculture 21.5%. The textile and clothing sub-sector grew by 13% in the first five months of the year, thanks to a good performance in May of 17%.

Outstanding in the agricultural sector the advance of exports ] fresh grapes with 31.2% and fresh avocado with 18, 9%. Mincetur reports that in the non-traditional fishery, the growth of canned pota with 58.1% and the growth of frozen squid is distinguished by the fact that exports of these two products amounted to $ 587 million. with 56.7%.

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