With this Dell technology was made "Ant-Man and Wasp"


CITY OF MEXICO (Expansión) –

The technology of the Dell company was a centerpiece in the development of the film Ant-Man and the Wasp of Marvel Studios. The two companies formed an alliance to work on the postproduction process of the new piece of the Marvel film universe.

This alliance allowed visual artists at DNEG Vancouver studio to have high-performance Dell hardware such as Precision 7910 workstations, PowerEdge R630 servers with MD3460 RAID, Dell M1000e Bladecenter servers and hundreds of Dell Monitors.

In addition to directing the sector, the Precision line has greatly contributed to the development of new forms of audiovisual narration. The best and most recent examples are the action scenes in this movie, where teams have allowed the change in size and the proportion of items that appear on the screen to appear real.

We partnered with #AntManAndTheWasp of Marvel Studios to show that small details can make a big difference – in the superhero world and in the world of technology. Catch this awesome movie in theaters on July 6th. #DellGaming pic.twitter.com/Pz3uJTVGJW

– Dell (@Dell) June 26, 2018

But Dell's technology was not only important behind the scenes, his new line of laptops also has a special role on the screen with the protagonists. In some scenes, you see the new Dell G5 15, a powerful laptop for players whose processing power (Intel Core i7) and graphics (NVIDIA GeForce 1060) offer a high-level gaming experience, as well as the XPS 13 ultra thin. which has a touch screen Ultra HD 4K. Unfortunately, the G5 will not be available in Mexico.

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"Creativity should not be limited to technology, that is why the teams of postproduction and d & # 39; The visual effects of films like Ant-Man and The Wasp by Marvel Studios build on Precision's performance to go beyond the limits of their own creative vision, "said Javier Pezua, head of customer technology solutions, at an event in Mexico City.

This is not the first time that Dell is allied with Marvel, for the launch of Spiderman: Homecoming in 2017, spectacular technology launched in Times Square in New York where users could play with 'Spider-Man', while promoting the Dell Inspiron 15 7000 computer. In addition, in Lego Batman, visual artists have also been able to perform post-production processes with the Precision line.

This weekend opens this new chapter of Marvel around the world. In this episode, Ant Man (Ant-Man) returns after his absence in Avengers: Infinity War but this time he will have the support of La Avispa (The Wasp), his new and faithful companion .

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