Only with education is it possible to reduce the incidence of breast cancer in Los Angeles


Between 30 and 40 percent of bad cancer cases in Latin America are diagnosed at the advanced metastatic stage, with this type of tumor being the most common among women in this region and its incidence is increasing.

2012, about 152,000 new cases of bad cancer were diagnosed and, if this trend continues, by 2030, 240,000 would be diagnosed, which would represent an increase of 57%.

In the seventh edition of Roche Press Day, The question emphasized that education is key in prevention, rapid diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), bad cancer screening programs are expected to reach 70 percent However, among the Latin American countries that have data available, none is closer to this goal. In Colombia, the figure is 54%, Chile, Costa Rica and Argentina are between 32 and 46%, and in Mexico it only reaches 22%.

When malignant bad tumors are detected Early stages it is possible to choose the best treatment for the patient, realizing with the new therapies, the remission of the disease, because currently the five-year survival does not occur. Not reach 70 percent.

All types of bad cancer are not the same way, but in general they are clbadified according to three specific proteins (known as receptors) that line the surface of cancer cells: HER2-positive, hormone receptor positive and triple negative

"Better Understanding of Molecular Cancer Subtypes Specific bad mutations and genes have allowed researchers to determine the most effective treatment approach and likely course of change. disease, "said Ricardo Álvarez, medical director, or cancer research at the American Cancer Treatment Centers (CTCA) in the United States.

In the case of HER2-positive bad cancer , which affects one in five women and is characterized by aggressive growth and negative prognosis, researchers have developed targeted therapies able to block the signals that cause growth and multiplication. cancer cells.

Pharmaceutical company Roche has been researching for more than 30 years in this field and has developed three drugs Innovators who have transformed the treatment of HER2-positive bad cancer

In Latin America, they consider that There is a need to improve access to bad cancer screening and diagnosis to ensure that patients receive appropriate treatment for bad cancer. timely and prevent the spread of the disease to other organs of the body.


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