Artificial intelligence studies if companies comply with European rules on privacy – News Technology – Technology


An artificial intelligence software researched 14 technology companies to determine whether or not they meet the requirements of the new European Data Protection General Regulation, GDPR by its acronym in English, which is entered into force on the 25th may. Among the companies badyzed are Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet, the parent company of Google.

According to academics, the badysis, conducted in June, showed that one-third of the clauses were "potentially problematic" or contained "Insufficient information" While 11 percent of policy sentences badyzed used "unclear language" .

In the requirements of the new regulation – which, in case of serious violations, can impose fines of up to 4% of annual revenues – there is an obligation to explain in plain language to users to what purposes their personal data is processed.

In addition to the "vague" or "unclear" language, among the problems encountered the software finds policies that do not correctly identify the third parties with whom a company could share personal data of users and policies that indicated that users would accept a plan simply by using the company's website

Although researchers did not publicly identify companies whose policies would violate company policies. Law provisions, they reported that the results will be socialized with all companies covered by the study.

"Claudette", as its name suggests, was created by researchers from the Institute of the European Union in Florence and BEUC, a European consumer organization based in Brussels.

The software deals with natural language, a sub-domain of machine learning technology, and then compares the wording of the company policy documents with the model clauses developed by an agency of the company. EU which represents all national data protection authorities

The researchers stated that they chose companies that include giants of social networks and gaming platforms because They are the dominant technology platforms in Europe. They "should be a good example for the market," said academics

* With Bloomberg
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