A pack of lions devoured a group of rhinoceros hunters


July 7, 2018 – 11:46
Remains of the hunters' bodies have been found mutilated.

At least three hunters pursuing rhinoceroses on a private reserve in South Africa have been devoured by local lions. This has been reported by the owner of the property.

Armed with a rifle with a silencer and an ax, among other objects, the hunters entered the Sibuya reserve on Monday morning and the next day they appeared dead and with their bodies mutilated, according to the owner, Nick Fox.

"They found themselves in the middle of a pack of lions, apparently an important group, and did not have much time to react," says the owner of the reserve, near the city from Kenton-on-Sea, southeast of

"We do not know how many were (the hunters), there was not much left," said Fox, who acknowledged that "we found the clothes of three people. "

Local police spokesman Mali Govender said that the investigators sent human remains to forensic experts, along with their weapons, to determine if they were used for illegal hunting or crime

percent of the population Total stock of these animals in Africa.

Since 2013, more than 1,000 rhinos have been killed each year by poachers, who extract their horns for sale in Asian markets.

Rhino horn products They are very popular in China and Vietnam, where this raw material is badociated with social success and is attributed to healing and aphrodisiac properties.

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