Ecopetrol strike strike plans they insist on selling the company


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July 07, 2018 – 8:00 pm
2018-07-07 By:

Colprensa / El Colombiano

After learning that the National Council of Trade Unions, the highest instance of production guilds, is structuring a proposal that the State sells its badets in Ecopetrol, this Saturday, Union Sindical Obrera, USO, announced that it would launch a general strike of workers they insist to this effect.

This was announced by Cesar Loza, president of the USO, who stressed that "we will not accept that they provide the most important badets available to Colombians" .

The proposal, known this Friday, is to sell the nation's share in the oil company, which reaches 88.49%, with the aim of improving the country's macroeconomic and fiscal situation.

The idea is to discuss the proposal when the elected President, Iván Duque, will be at Casa de Nariño.

As anticipated by the Council itself at the announcement of the proposal, strong criticisms were made against this idea, which has been compared to other controversial initiatives such as the sale of large companies in the country, such as Isagen and Telecom.

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