Infrastructure and revenues of the country, under debate following the sale of Ecopetrol | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


In social networks do not stop to say that Ecopetrol is the goose that lays the golden eggs, so that according to the Colombian Federation of Colombian Insurers (Fasecolda), the sale of the company would be between 13 000 billion pesos and 160 billion, which corresponds to resources between 13% and 16% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 60% of accumulated savings in private pension funds. If it were sold in 2018, the company would be valued at $ 138 billion, including debt. The state has 88.5% of the company

Fasecolda's argument is that the government should follow international practices and "let the private sector produce goods and services unless in circumstances where those who exist market failures. "

The resources would be used to build infrastructure, which Jorge Humberto Botero, the union president, would serve to improve competitiveness.

As the leader recognizes that a significant portion of the state's resources come from dividends Ecopetrol's proposal includes a disposal, and the formation of a fund that would provide resources to the government within 10 years through the returns and that at the end of that period the economy would have found 39, other sources to support its growth.

In infrastructure, the capital transfer would be by a capital increase of Anciera de Desarrollo Nacional, as it was done with Isagén, and this entity would be the director

Botero proposed that the sale could be made in a single cut or in portions.In any event, this possibility should go through the Congress of the Republic

The Minister Finance, Mauricio Cárdenas, stressed that the new government should continue to sell badets, although yesterday it did not specifically refer to Ecopetrol.

Cárdenas argued that in this way, the recommendation is that "this money can not be used to finance the current expenses of the government, it should be a change from one badet to another, not to facilitate the compliance with the tax rule. The country can not sell the badets to open the space for expenses. "

For the president of the National Association of Entrepreneurs (Andi), Bruce Mac Master, the idea does not seem." This is not the time to give this debate, the company is very important to Colombians and public finances, and it produces high profitability ", in which it acknowledges to be a partial sale.

Mac Master argues that he is more friendly with a partial sale, the idea is supported by Ramón Javier Mesa, researcher of Applied Macroeconomics Group of the University of Antioquia.

One of the recommendations for this government is to sell 10% "Continue to work on the consolidation of fourth generation roads."

The recommended sale is partial and not total, because for Mesa the company represents the main Colombian badet, "it is very important in exports and transfers for the state. Oil is a strategic resource that should not be left in the hands of foreign multinationals.

They threaten strikes

After hearing that the National Council of Trade Unions, the highest authority of production guilds, A proposal from the state to sell its badets in Ecopetrol , the Union of Trade Unions, USO, announced that it would launch a general strike of the workers they insist to this effect.

This was announced by Cesar Loza, president of the USO, who stressed that "we will not accept that they provide the most important badets that Colombians have."

As the Council itself had anticipated at the time of the announcement of the proposal, strong criticism was voiced. controversial as was the sale of large companies in the country, such as Isagen and Telecom.

On the proposal of @ConsejoGremial that @IvanDuque sell @ECOPETROL_SA our union would propose a general strike for the defense of the most active important to Colombians.

– usofrenteobrero (@usofrenteobrero) July 6, 2018

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