Facebook: Marvel and DC Comics share a message in the honor of Steve Ditko | PICTURES | Shows


Through his Facebook account, Marvel announced this morning that the legendary comic, Steve Ditko died at the age of 90 years.

Ditko was famous in the world of comics for being the co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange ; both characters were created next to legend Stan Lee. Marvel fired the designer for the last time on his Facebook account.

YOU CAN SEE Steve Ditko, one of the creators of Spider-Man dies

Although the news of his death was made public this Friday night, the New York Police Department has reported to the Variety website that the artist and writer was found dead on June 29 at his home in Manhattan.

Through his various social networks, Marvel shared a significant image of the work of Steve Ditko . With a Spider-Man headlong, the comic book company paid a farewell tribute to an important part of its success in the world. "Thanks Steve, rest in peace" shared the company on their platforms.

DC ruled

Those who also spoke through social networks were DC Comics, a society that also housed Ditko at the time. With two of his characters created under his signature, The Hawk and The Dove, DC shared with his followers a goodbye message to the draftsman. " Steve Ditko was one of the most amazing creators in the history of comics, he showed us that there is a hero in everyone from us, our hearts are with their loved ones, and all who know him "was read in the statement.

Steve Ditko was one of the most amazing creators in the history of comics, and showed us that there was a hero in all of us. Our hearts went to his loved ones and to all who knew him. pic.twitter.com/ukvuA7odF5

– DC (@DCComics) July 7, 2018

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