The agricultural GDP was 25% between 2010 and 2017: Minagricultura


07 July 2018 – 07:06 pm




A report submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture, as part of the Presidential Liaison Committee, details in figures that between 2010 and 2017 the growth in the value of agricultural GDP was 25%, rising from $ 47.1 trillion to $ 58.9 trillion.

According to the figures of this portfolio, in 2010, the growth rate was 0.2%, registering a strong growth, since it was 4.92% in 2017.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, Juan Guillermo Zuluaga, "it is presented, in detail, to the members of the splicing committee the actions and policies carried out by the current government to ensure that the campaign Colombian has become one of the engines of the national economy with figures and tangible results.

According to the official, "gross domestic product (GDP) growth has reached 6.5% over the last eight years, generating 290,000 new jobs and lifting 1.6 million people out of poverty. we are experiencing the rebirth of the Colombian countryside. "

With regard to job creation, the Agricultural Portfolio Manager badured that" 290,000 new jobs were created and 1.6 million people left poverty, according to the multidimensional poverty index prepared by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Danish) ".

Similarly, Zuluaga has highlighted the entry of several Colombian products into several international markets in recent years.

"With the food of the countryside, we conquer the tables of the consumers of the whole world". Between 2010 and 2017, we have 35 new markets with preferential tariff access, which means that we have 60 countries with this condition and 1.400 million inhabitants. We can provide food, and it is important to mention that 83 countries have real sanitary access for 119 products, "said the minister.

In this sense, the report mentions that products such as avocado (75.301%); pineapple (552.6%); pbadionflower (301.4%); cocoa (736.7%); fish (523.5%) and others managed to increase sales abroad above 300%.

"Regarding land restitution, one of the tasks that the agricultural portfolio has carried out with peace, achievements have been obtained such as the restoration of 300,000 hectares of land, benefiting 38,307 people. from 15 years to a period between 8 and 12 months, "said Zuluaga.

Finally, the official pointed out that one of the most important achievements of the agricultural sector was to" plant more than two million " 39 hectares, which produced six million tons of additional food. "With this, we can mention that there are more than eight million"

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