25 of the 90 cases are already positive for dengue | Guanentá Province


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Dengue indexes in Villanueva, according to the authorities of According to them, local health exploded this year because an infected person came to the municipality and spread the disease.

"Our municipality is part of a tropical area where we have always had and will have mosquitoes." we already have dengue, we must now prevent the presence of mosquitoes in homes by eliminating breeding sites, because this year more than 90 cases have been reported, of which 25 have been confirmed for the disease, "said Katherine Bueno, secretary de salud de Villanueva,

Citizens denounce that a well of the municipality is a possible source of contamination, but the secretary Bueno, contradicts the version indicating that there are fish that serve as control for the mosquito because they eat them.

"We have already gone through all the houses of the municipality and found that in 75 cases in swimming pools and other points, with larvae and mosquito eggs, we ask the citizens to be aware of it and to be aware of it. eliminate breeding sites to stop dengue fever, "the official concluded.

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