Claudia Morales: sowing for children


He discovers the universe of children's literature at the birth of his daughter Isabela. Last Tuesday, he made one of his wishes by opening Árbol de Libros, a bookstore dedicated to reading children and young people. Armenia

Isabela, daughter of Claudia Morales, badumed her role as head of the bookstore. Look after the children, guide them and solve their doubts. Courtesy of Claudia Morales

There are basic notions of humanity. The human condition has been unpredictable, cruel, insignificant and forgetful. However, it is badumed that piety, empathy and consideration with the other are imposed. This respect for life prevails and the guarantees of fundamental rights can be trusted. But no. The reality hits hard and breaks up. The earth reminds us that it is necessary to speak and make it strong. Engagement in dialogues centered on the sanctity of life, but especially on death, is fundamental. What must be said that the time is short and ends in the blink of an eye is necessary. These beliefs must become beliefs and beliefs in everyday life. That in the world there are treasures that flash every day and need to remember them because they are priceless. When they know, explain to others. Narrative voices are vital. It transcends what transforms us. We transmute the books.

Claudia Morales understood her when she was twelve years old. Since then, it has not stopped. He devoured and devoured books. He knows that his evolution depends on it. She is anxious, curious. She is an explorer and researcher. Now she is 45 years old and is the mother of Isabela, who will be nine years old. When the girl was born, Morales could understand that famous connection that mothers were talking about. He gave his daughter access to other worlds with children's literature. Between letters and illustrations that spoke of fantasy, but also of the real life that Isabela will have to face, she could see it. She was becoming too.

She has had a dream since she was very young. I saw it far away. By dealing with what was happening with his daughter, and after a long and productive career as a journalist, he decided to perform it. She knew that she should plant the seeds of the habit of reading and that she, but especially her daughter and the generation that accompanies her, would pick up the harvest. He planted a tree of books. When he saw it strengthened and full of fruit, he made it available to the people of Armenia, a city that will now enjoy the bookstore that Morales opened on July 3 at the Portal del Quindío shopping center.

voice and story telling that his daughter wanted to share it. Tree of Books, the bookstore, will focus on the supply of literature for children and young people. The entire country and, in this case, the Quindío Department have urgent cultural and social needs. There is a reading deficit present in Colombia. One of the eventualities of this emergency will be the Morales Bookstore, which has finalized a project that will serve as an extension of her house with her husband and, of course, her daughter.

She will face the big challenge of convincing her to invest in books are precious. This will challenge the numbers that say that in Colombia, people do not read. She does not believe in these numbers. She believes that people should have the opportunity to create spaces. When the outlet of books is celebrated in Armenia, people flock to him. Yes, the population of Quindío, who is inside these devastating numbers of rising unemployment, buys books in lots.

Morales has gone through many media. Worked on La Prensa CM & RCN, Radio Caracol, The Luciérnaga and Semana and is chronicler for the newspaper El Spectateur . She has been press chief of the Colombian Embbady in Washington in the government of Andrés Pastrana and head of the international press of the government of Álvaro Uribe. Their difficulties were rarely due to lack of placement. Now, she decided that the job would be generated by her, not just in her bookstore, but also with the humans who will be trained with some of the books that she offers and who will later become the entrepreneurs who have designed his way of supporting.

Parents or companions of children will also have a space dedicated to them. There will be an offer for adults and their needs will also be taken care of. One of the objectives of the Tree of Books is that adults conform in their role as guides and influences of childhood. The work will not only be for the little ones. The effort is for the country.

Libraries, publishers, bookstores, teachers, colleges, universities, parents, and adults have been challenged by technology. Electronic devices, immediacy and recreational alternatives for children and young people are taxed. What Morales seeks to seduce these children and adolescents, as Mario Mendoza has done with his creativity and empathy. His books conquered them and he became a figure. Inspire them and insists that they read, ask, question, do not swallow everything. A writer who disturbs them and encourages them to form their criteria.

The main objective of the Claudia Morales bookstore will be to captivate. It aims to attract inquisitive minds who are willing to live in various universes. It will work for complexity. It breaks with the idea of ​​"reading the books that must be read because they are literary" and opens the door to alternatives, differences and stories that tell the story. He will be merged, with his family and the badistants who come to his call, in the possibility of changing the reality imposed by the eligible. That of colors. The various. The worthy.

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