Interview with Colombian writer Evelio Rosero, author of 'Los Armas & # 39; and & # 39; Carroza de Bolívar & # 39; – Sunday Readings


Which book or book did he choose to carry in his suitcase on his last trip?

Théophile Gautier's Maja and Matador, and Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes

If I could invite two literary characters to have a drink or a coffee, who would I choose? I?

To Sherlock and Watson.

Books that he read As a child, which one do you remember with more appreciation?

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.

What musical theme would you choose above all?

piano n ° 1, by Brahms

Do you have any fancies when writing? A special notebook, a pen, a special place …

Large size notebook, wide-tipped stylus, sepia or purple ink, lighted candle and coffee, lots of coffee.

Which movie did you see most of the time?

Ulysses with Kirk Douglas

Which book would you have liked to write?

The Brothers Karamazov.

Do you write by hand or go directly to the computer?

Usually amano, early

Do you emphasize books?


Which? Would you recommend reading to better understand your country?

Studies on the life of Bolívar by Sañudo.

Has he been on social networks?


In which city of the world do you feel the best?

In Bogotá

How do you organize your library?

There are books everywhere, even in the kitchen na But in my room, I have in front of the bed
a piece of furniture with the works that I like the most. I sleep with them

What book would I buy today?

Something from Lovecraft, that I want to reread.

If I do not do what I do, what would you like to do?


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