Pigeons are linked to increased allergy in humans


This warns a study developed by the Universidad de la Salle. Birds are hosts of hematophagous mites that spread asthma, rhinitis and pruritic dermatitis.

In the last 6 years, hematophagous mites such as "Ornytonissus silviarum" and "Dermaniyssus gallinae" have appeared in homes in Bogotá. Although there are many people who go to places in Colombia and have fun feeding the pigeons, there are also those who prefer to stay away. One of the reasons might be related to their proximity to these birds may cause them some irritation a fact that has just been proved by a study conducted by experts from the Unversidad of the room.

According to Gustavo Cuadros Trillos, professor and researcher at this university, " pigeons are hosts of blood-sucking mites, that is, a specific species of these arthropods. whose main feature is to suck blood and spread a range of infections and allergies. "Some of the examples of these allergies are rhinitis, asthma and itchy dermatitis, a difficult pathology to diagnose because of its similarity with other diseases such as rickettsiosis and ehrlichiosis. (Read also: First evidence of the relationship between asthma and fatty acids)

They are present in both nests of pigeons and in their feathers, so it is very easy for them to have fun. to reach our clothes after being near these birds and we finished loading them into our rooms and our mattresses.

"This is a situation that requires corrective action because mites are a major group of arthropod invaders.These arachnids invade and pollute homes, offices, businesses, factories, and can to be the source of allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, dermatitis.In addition, and mite species such as ticks can at any time be vectors of bacteria and of viruses generating multiple infections, highlighting rickettsiosis and ehrlichiosis, "adds Cuadros

there are no concrete figures or statistics of contagion, the Spanish Society d & rsquo; Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Pediatric Asthma (SEICAP) estimates that between 1945 and 1945, 70 to 80% of children living in coastal areas with dust mite-related allergies In addition, according to data from the World Organization of Alle (WAO), "more than half of all cases of rhinitis are due to mites". (Read here: Up to 38% of childhood asthma is attributed to air pollution)

Given this, Cuadros believes that the pigeon boom should be managed by the entities without the purpose of eliminating them. "On the contrary, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for monitoring, surveillance and control in order to minimize the risk of effects on public health . recommendation is to be attentive to the possibility that pigeons make nests on the roofs of houses. "

Cuadros has been studying mites for over 30 years and was able to verify that all species have been reported and located in dwellings (technically referred to as intramural areas) represent public health risks and emphasize that over the last 6 years, hematofacial mites such as Ornytonissus silviarum, Dermaniyssus gallinae and others species appeared in homes in Bogota. study for its clbadification.

The five main recommendations that the expert gives to avoid this type of allergies at home are:

  • Collect dust from the house at least 3 times a week with a vacuum cleaner . Never use brooms
  • If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, sprinkle a combination of disinfectants and a mop on the floor, pick up dirt
  • Apply dry heat (eg with the hair dryer ) on the mattresses
  • Never wash the mattress with water as mites thrive when there are damp environments.
  • Never expose the mattress to the outdoors as it retains more dust and mites.
  • Seek advice from an expert To avoid being affected by mites carried by pigeons, the most important is to apply effective hygiene strategies that lead to the prevention and control of pigeons. risk factors that facilitate the invasion of these birds and their once, have the responsibility of not having direct contact with them.

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