Colombian Millionaires in 2018 – Business – Economy


Although the amount was not known, on June 29, one of the most important business movements of the country was completed: the purchase of the consumer portfolio and that of Citibank Colombia's SMEs by Scotiabank Colpatria.

Thus, the first half was closed in terms of this type of operations and one of the best in recent years, despite the uncertainty generated by the elections for Congress and the Presidency of the Republic, And that is the slow recovery of the economy.

And it's that companies have continued to accelerate the acquisition and capitalization, for, among other things, achieve economies of scale, focus on strategic business and divest in non-profits. -rioritiques. ] El TIEMPO accounting and statistics from the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) indicate that in the first half, 69 business integrations were handled, with growth 7, 8% compared to the first six months of 2017, while there were 64.

For its part, the 17 largest operations totaled 8.3 trillion pesos (2,898 million dollars). Peru and Colombia are among the most influential in the M & A market in Latin America and the Caribbean, this is not represented in the amounts recorded due to lack of information, since some companies decide to stop the confidentiality of the value of the transactions ", indicates in a recent report the consulting firm Deloitte.

However, to follow the upward trend of the readjustments of business, by the end of 2018 the business acquisitions in Colombia will add, or even surpbad, the 4,200 million dollars (12 billion pesos) projected by the consultant Baker McKenzie.

This figure would be far from the $ 711 million is from 2017, when, according to Deloitte, there were 56 agreements and a 25% discount compared to 2016.
Thus, to 69% of the goal of the 2018 movements has been reached and the figure for 2017 has quadrupled, according to that measure.

The chairman of the investment bank, Inverlink Mauricio Saldarriaga Navarro, said that although in 2018 a good number of transactions were finalized, some had been agreed last year because there was uncertainty about the election results and because of the possibility that a left-wing candidate would triumph.
"That put a lot of investment decisions on break or closure was very difficult," Saldarriaga added.

Appetite after elections

However, the executive considered that political uncertainty was erased "The behavior of the market in the first half was relatively slow as a large part of investors expected the result of the presidential elections, but there are a number of movements that need to be accelerated for the remainder of 2018.

"said Martha Juliana Silva Nigrinis, president of the Silk Investment Bank.

In turn, the executive director of the French company Eurogerm Jean-Philippe Girard said: "Our presence in Colombia will allow us to increase visibility for further expansion in the Andean and Caribbean region" . He added that they remain attentive to any opportunity for external growth (acquisition).
According to the manager, this is due to the fact that it is a market where there are 40 major producers of industrial bread and 30 flour processors.

The number of moves in the first half is also determined by the purchase, with an autonomous equity of 2.1 trillion pesos from Esso and Mobil (EDS) service stations and other badets of these brands in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, who were in charge of an ExxonMobil holding company in the United States and in others

Although autonomous equity materialized at the beginning of this week the transfer of part of the unit of lubricants to Terpel itself, for 271.232 million pesos, she must sell the EDS to a third party, since she would occupy a position dominant. the market. In addition, as part of the operation, a lubricant plant in Bucaramanga, which belonged to Terpel, was divested to ExxonMobil for 41,454 million pesos, so that it does not remain in position dominant in this market.

Other operations

In the field of logistics, the Valórem fund chose to sell to Suppla, Suppla Tier 1 Customs Agency and Suppla Cargo, for a figure close to 180,000 million pesos . The buyer was DHL Supply Chain, a subsidiary of Deutsche Post (German operator).

Meanwhile, CMIG International, a Singapore-based multinational controlled by China Minsheng Investment Group, has acquired the activities of the South African Old Mutual in our company.

While the Australian QBE Seguros completes the sale of its subsidiary in Colombia and in other countries of the region to Zurich Insurance.

The capitalization of Scotiabank Colpatria, for 900,000 million pesos, Citibank's Portfolio Purchase, is also one of the major moves of the first half. Similarly, the sale to the Brookfield Canadian fund, for 1.1 billion pesos, of 41.89% of Naturgy (formerly Gas Natural Colombia), with which the former took control of 53.1% of this company.

For its part, Cementos Argos accepted the sale of the self-generating Cairo Hydroelectric plant, in the municipality of Santa Bárbara, Antioquia. The buyer is the company Grupo Luz y Fuerza Colombia, which is of Central American origin and will make other acquisitions in the country.

For its part, the Stuttgart company bought the Automercol brand (a Mercedes-Benz authorized dealer in the country), to compete in the vehicle marketing business in Bogota. In turn, the buyer controls the companies Continental Automotora (Continautos) and Kyoto.

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Register of Acquisitions Worldwide

Mergers and acquisitions have been defined for $ 2.4 trillion US, with a growth of 65% per annum report at the same period of 2017, according to Reuters.

"Companies embark on a consolidation fever, in an attempt to overcome the barriers of slow organic growth, so they do not seem to be affected by political uncertainties and a nascent trade war," said Carlos Schwartz In the report by Intelligence Capital News, the US surplus cash surpluses favored companies after the tax reform undertaken in the US

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