Ecopetrol: no more looting of privatization?


President of Fasecolda, Jorge Humberto Botero proposes to sell the shares of the state in Ecopetrol to invest the money that can be obtained for this badet in the roads, bridges and the railways. The news adds that it is about "the impact on the long cycle" of national economic growth. And he adds, to self-legitimize, that he has received calls from members of the oil company's board of directors that they say it is an "initiative" interesting. " Pamplinas

From time to time appear figures of national life who suggest the sale of public enterprises, under the pretext that resources are needed to undertake works and projects essential to "well-being and development" .

in the government of Antioquia (2004 – 2007) Aníbal Gaviria proposed to sell the alcohol factory of Antioquia. It did not seem to him profitable or with projection that the department retains a company dedicated to the production and sale of liqueurs. It was impossible (!).

Then he could put teeth to his privatization spirit by selling A to Millicom. Where are the benefits of this business? This fixed telephony was not profitable, as the EPM division did not have the means to be competitive in mobile phones. How much the case was titled (12/11/17) by the same newspaper of the family of Gaviria Correa: "The merger of the disaster". Pamplinas

Two years ago Juan Manuel Santos insisted on the sale of Isagen because he considered that "it was not a strategic entity for the interests from the country". Resources "were needed to finance macro infrastructure projects such as 4G". Antioquia was left with a few small stones in the small box to make side roads to the East. Most of the money goes to the expense of a state with tax breaks that engulf billions, in corruption and in half-executed jobs. More nonsense

What would have happened at the end of the nineties (97-98) during the sale of Empresas Publicas de Medellín? The same diluted resources and consolidated companies, with reputable and valuable brands for consumers in dynamic business niches (Isagén and UNE, and the FLA and EPM-thankfully, not-) in the hands of major capitals multinationals who are already buying them rolling and with minimal adjustments they have put them to rent a lot more.

What is not known, warns one source, that is what he was aiming for, for example, the sale of the FLA. "Investors from Central America, to serve private and dark capital originating from Antioquia?"

Now, we must ask ourselves: why, given the imminent change of government, are they again launching proposals to create a privatizing environment for heritage? state? Hope that there are those who give the discussion and the fight, so that this taimada public prey will not continue.

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