Baby dies this wounded doctor during cesarean section | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


A newborn died at the Hospital San Jerónimo de Montería. The parents attribute the fact to a cup given by the gynecologist while he was practicing caesarean section on his mother.

The complaint was filed by Jerson David Ramos Nisperuza, 24, father of the baby, who noted that his wife, Maira Alejandra Serpa Ramos, had labor pains despite six months and one week of pregnancy, c & That's why she was immediately taken to Los Córdobas Medical Center.

She explained that she broke the source and started losing amniotic fluid, which is why she was immediately transferred to a more complex hospital, San Jerónimo de Montería, where she was operated on to bring the world to Santiago, who was immediately taken to an incubator because she was premature.

This is the same doctor who explained that the baby had a small head injury, result of cesarean section, but that it was superficial and that it was not serious. When he was allowed to see him, he checked that he had a suture on his scalp.

Hours later, doctors told him that the child had had a pulmonary complication characteristic of his prematurity and that it was necessary to take him to a unit. intensive care. A few hours later he died.

According to the father of the newborn, what accelerated his death was the cut that he had made in his head. However, at the hospital in San Jerónimo, they did not give official information about the event, but they noticed that the complication was due to the fact that it was a six-month-old baby with no mature organs, especially the lungs.

Second case

This is the second case recorded at the Hospital San Jerónimo de Montería during the last six months. The previous date was the last month of December, when Gualdron Osorio's son and Eliana Bedoya pbaded away after having an open skull injury at the Caesarean section.

The father, who is masonry in Ayapel municipality said at the time that his wife had been sent to the Montelibano health center because he had problems with high blood pressure and that the caesarean section caused an injury to the baby, which is why they had to make 20 stitches. At 48 hours, he died.

At that time, the scientific director of San Jerónimo Hospital, William Montes, said that what happened with the child was an adverse event of the thousands that may occur in the world. This case died of complications because it was a 17-week-old baby with stunted growth and weighing nearly 800 grams

He also noted that they do not had not cut with a scalpel because with this tooling not reach inside the uterus, but the gynecologist puts a forceps to enter the cavity and probably the cebza could be very stuck and the Scale scaling was recorded.

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