Scotiabank takes control of Bbva Chile and reveals the management structure of the new bank


A special meeting of shareholders marked the birth of the fourth largest bank in the South.

Today begins a new order in the national bank after Scotiabank officially took control of Bbva Chile. The new entity will call "Scotiabank Azul" and retain that name until the integration of the two entities is complete.

The process that gives birth to the fourth largest financial institution in the country has materialized today, with the planned extraordinary general meeting. , example in which the new table of Chile bva was formed, which will be composed of 11 directors.

Scotiabank Azul will be chaired by José Said, while in the vice presidency will be in charge of Ignacio "Nacho" Deschamps, director of the international banking group and the digital transformation of the Canadian bank

Francisco Sardón , former executive director and head of Scotiabank in Chile, has also arrived at the former Bbva Chile building at Titanium Park.

] Sardón was not the only cadre who was on the part of Canadians, but also, some members of the bank who moved to the office s "Scotiabank Azul" who are part of the team. Integration of the two banks, such as Rafael Bilbao, Maria Victoria Doberti, among others.

One of the points raised during the meeting was to eliminate the direct vote of the chairman of the board. The situation in front of which, José Saïd, noted with humor before the participants that "they remove faculties here", which was a reason to laugh among the participants.


At Scotiabank They are in a hurry to consolidate the merger. For this reason, they immediately revealed the management structure of the new bank, which plans to begin integration on 1 September.

The names are intended to reduce any uncertainty to the bank that will reach 14% market share

In this way, the Scotiabank Executive Committee will consist of: Senior Vice President, Services retail banking, Gonzalo Parral; Senior Vice President, Wholesale Banking, Stephen Guthrie; Senior Vice President Risk, Carolina Parra; Senior Vice President Finance, Maria Victoria Doberti; Vice President of Operations, Eduardo Meynet; Vice President of Systems and Technology, Danilo González; Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs, Jacqueline Balbontín; Vice President of Law, Rafael Bilbao; Vice President of Digital Banking, Daniel Kennedy

Meanwhile, Fernando Sáez will continue as VP Integration Process and Ricardo Fry as Vice President of Audit, once integrated banks

Sardón has also appointed other positions. members of the Executive Committee according to their function: Juan Carlos Cavallini, General Manager Corporate Banking and Corporate Finance; Andrés Velasco, Vice President of Corporate Banking; Cristian Jiménez, Vice President of Business Banking; Paul Misle, General Manager, Sales and Trade and Financial Markets; Juan Matamoros, Vice President of Retail Banking Distribution Channels

"This group of executives will set up their work teams, to stabilize the operations of both entities as soon as possible," Sardón

said. our bank. We are doubling our size and becoming one of the leading banks of the Chilean market. We have the challenge to complete a successful and exemplary integration in Chile, without loss of customers, volumes of operation, and achieved in record time. In turn, we must continue to operate day-to-day, and continue to provide quality service to our customers, "he concluded.

The brand change will take place in the last quarter of this year and the operating systems will be based on next year.

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