Solid food improves babies' sleep, study finds – Health – Life


Babies who start eating solid foods before the age of six months suffer less sleep problems than those who are badfed exclusively during this period, according to a study published today in the trade journal "JAMA Pediatrics".

Specifically, babies who eat solid foods at a young age sleep longer, wake up less often and have less severe sleep problems, according to joint research at King's College and at the University of Toronto. St. George's University, both London

The recommendation of the World Health Organization is that up to the age of six months, infants are exclusively fed at the bad, a food that provides all the nutrients necessary for proper development, as well as health benefits. mother

However, not all mothers do it. In Colombia, for example, only one child in less than six months out of three was exclusively badfed. And according to the report's data, 75% of British mothers introduce solid foods into their children's diet before five months. Of these mothers, one quarter do so because their children often wake up at night.

To investigate this issue, the team led by Professor Gideon Lack of King's College badyzed 1,303 children from England and Wales aged three months exclusively badfed between January 2008 and August 2015. [19659003Lesauteursontdivisélesenfantsendeuxgroupes:certainsn'ontpasprisdesolidesavantsixmoissuivantlesrecommandationsofficiellesetlesautresontcommencéàmangerdesalimentssolides(commelepoissonouleblé)aprèstroismoisLesparentsremplissaienttouslesmoisdesquestionnairesenlignejusqu'àcequeleursbébésaient12moispuistouslestroismoisjusqu'àcequ'ilsaienttroisans

Of the 1,303 children who participated in the & # 39; study, 94% (1 225) completed the three-year questionnaire: 608 from the exclusive badfeeding group and 607 from the early introduction of the food group.

The result showed that children who started eating solid foods before sleeping longer and waking up less often at night. The early introduction group slept for a quarter of an hour (16.6 minutes) more per night (almost 2 more hours per week) and their night-time sleep frequency went from one to one. little more than twice a night at 1.74.

To take into account

The researchers recognize that it is possible that the mothers who participated in the study respond more positively to the questionnaires after giving them solid foods, after having waited for an effect. positive. But according to them, it is unlikely that this bias exceeds six months.

"The results of this research confirm the widely held view that early introduction of solids improves sleep," said Lack, in contradiction with official recommendation.

For his part, the main co-author, Michael Perkin, has estimated that the increase in the number of hours of sleep is "low, but significant", "since the dream of the night. child directly affects the quality of life of the parents The benefits of bad milk

Do not forget, in any case, the health benefits of bad milk, the best and the best, the only food you can eat. A mother can offer to her child from birth, not only because of its nutritional content, but also because of its emotional contribution, as shown by scientific evidence.

Various studies show that Breastfeeding saves lives, avoids morbidity, mortality, promotes optimal physical and cognitive development, reduces the risk of contracting certain chronic diseases related to nutrition in adulthood and contributes greatly health benefits for mothers, which has economic benefits for the family, the health system, employers and the country.

Breast milk is always available, the more you badfeed, the more you have sufficiency and stability. your supply In terms of access, it does not require any expense for the family, its consumption is desirable, it is timely, and without doubt it is in the best conditions of quality and safety.

Its nutritional and immunological content is scientifically proven and corresponds exactly to the needs of man. No infant industrial milk can be compared to bad milk in the achievement and guarantee of food and nutritional security in children under six months and in the first year, in addition to the emotional bond that is created between the mother and the child.

Having an adequate diet has a positive influence on the immunological development of children, in their ability to respond to diseases, in the frequency and severity of these diseases. Breast milk, in addition, benefits the mother as soon as childbirth, as it promotes the expulsion of the placenta, reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage, prevents mastitis and reduces the risk of cancer bad and ovarian.

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