Restless legs syndrome can be controlled


Tingling and pain are warnings

GUADALAJARA.- Restless leg syndrome or Willis-Ekbom syndrome is linked, among other things, to non-neuronal diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid, varicose veins, those who present it usually experience pain, itching, numbness, tingling, tension and discomfort in the legs at night and night, hence the disease is also clbadified as a sleep disorder, explains Rubén Santoyo, pulmonary internist physician at the Western Regional Hospital of the IMSS in Guadalajara

"The discomfort disappears around three in the morning and the person is usually tired during the day because she has not had restorative sleep, she is sleepy and has trouble concentrating. "

The syndrome is not curable but it can be controlled by treatment with iron supplements and dopamine agonists, c & # 39; is to say that & # 39; they promote the conduction of this neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.

At a glance


In addition to pharmacological treatment, patients are encouraged to perform relaxation exercises, consume iron-rich foods and Alcohol and tobacco absorption, stimulants aggravating the problem

A consultation

Those with symptoms should go to the neurologist or to a sleep clinic

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