Thailand: How did the mini-submarine designed by Elon Musk not have needed to rescue children trapped in a cave | BBC | Trade | World | News


A minisubmarine made with pieces of rockets

It was the last plan of the technological entrepreneur Elon Musk to rescue children trapped in the cave of thailand which were successfully released on tuesday

But the thai government kindly declined the offer, preferring to go ahead with their original plan of use divers, which proved to be a success.

Narongsak Osotthanakorn, the head of the rescue mission and governor of Chiang Rai Province, where the cave is located, thanked the offer of Musk and his team, but said that the team that he directed Thailand does "Although technologically sophisticated, it does not fit our mission to enter the cavern ", Osotthanakorn said.

I have just returned from cave 3. Mini-sub is ready if necessary. It is made of rocket parts and named Wild Boar after the children's football team. Leave here in case it might be useful in the future. Thailand is so beautiful.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 9 July 2018

"I will leave it here in case it could be useful in the future." Thailand is beautiful, "was the answer of the founder of Tesla and SpaceX

Tested in a swimming pool

Musk explored various technological alternatives for the rescue of 12 members of 39 a football team and its Coach, trapped in a cave since June 23.

Finally, he decided to build a minisubmarine that he developed, tested and even took in the north of country where the "I just returned from the cave 3. The minisubmarine is ready if necessary, it is made with rocket parts and is called wild boar (wild boar) in the honor of the # 39; football team (children trapped), "he said Twitter

Through the social network Musk also explained that the tube would be" light enough to be carried by two divers and small enough to pbad through small f issures ", but at the time is" extremely robust ".

The unit has four grip points and two connections to an air tank at the front and is ready to be protected from impact.

As several videos show, the system was tested in a swimming pool in Los Angeles, California, United States

Golden Opportunity

Nobody doubted Musk's good feelings, but the rescue operations of foreground would also have been a golden opportunity to promote the companies with which he wants to materialize his desire to conquer space (SpaceX), the surface of the earth (Tesla) and even the basement (The Boring Company) .

But in the end his help was not necessary. The children were trapped in Tham Luang Cave for more than two weeks, where they arrived on June 23 with their 25-year-old coach

The group was abandoned after heavy rains blocked their release. The forecast of more rain and lack of oxygen forced an imminent rescue that began this Sunday and for which they used diving tanks and full face masks.

On Friday, a diver died trying to save the children. the story had a happy ending, thanks to the divers and the rescue team.

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