[Video] Melody, from 'El baile del gorila & # 39; at sexi reguetonera


The singer promotes her new musical single, where we see that of the tender girl who danced a lot with her hands raised, hands down […] Uh, uh, uh! & # 39; Ten years ago, there is very little left.

  1. 2018/07/10
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  Melody, singer. "Title =" Melody, singer. "/>

<figcaption> Melody, singer. | <span> Instagram soyyomelody / Cover of the album 'Melody, pata negra & # 39; </span> </figcaption></figure>
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Now, Melody is 27 years old and focuses on another type of music: sticky, but with a more urban twist and without leaving its Spanish roots, as it shows in its recent success "Parapapá" .

Moreover, his new music video (released at the end of June) was well received by some for the rhythm and lyrics, while for others The singer came out

And that is that in a Much of the staging, the artist wears striking bathing suits or bodis, doing suggestive choreography alongside other dancers .

This is at least what you read in the comments you wrote in the recording that she sent to your YouTube channel, and we share below to allow you to comment on the current musical setting of the artist.

] Also for you to see the big physical change that one has had. For this reason, after 'Parapapá & # 39; we released Melody's video when she was a little girl and sang 'El baile del gorila', as well as some pictures of her now and she before shot from her Instagram account public:

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