Colombian Philharmonic Orchestra: Great Presentation of Colombia's Young Philharmonic Orchestra in Central America | Culture


During the tour & # 39; Playing Fibers; A tribute to what unites us on Colombia Philharmonic Orchestra was featured in most Central American countries, where they received applause from thousands of spectators to leave the Colombian stamp at the top

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The main themes decrestaron the participants; among the presentations was emphasized "Majagual Sinfónico", by the Colombian composer Victoriano Valencia, and "Intima", ] in tribute to the composer Adolfo Mejía Navarro, and at the end of the interpretation of these symphonies the public shouted ¡Viva Colombia

The young artists played together Joshua Bell who is considered the world's best violinist ]and Eduardo Rojas, who is recognized as one of the pianists more important of United States.

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In addition to the official presentations, the young people made pedagogy in the educational centers of Honduras, Panama, [19659007] El Salvador and Costa Rica where they conducted open trials at the public p. (function (d, s, id)

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