Go to the third national immunization day | VACCINES FOR CHILDREN COLOMBIA | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccination is the most effective way to prevent diseases and should be administered at the ages indicated, as they protect minors and the elderly, in slices of age More vulnerable to the development of the virus

During the month of July, the third day of vaccination will take place throughout the national territory and the main objective will be to supplement the vaccination programs for children and children under 6 years, 2 to 10 years who do not have the vaccine with Triple Viral vaccine – measles, rubella and mumps, girls and adolescents 9 to 17 years old with cervical cancer vaccine Uterus, women of childbearing age (15 to 49 years), pregnant women and all adults over 60 years of age.

This day will be held on Saturday, July 14th from 8am. until 16:00 in all the IPS of the national territory, which provide the vaccination service in which the following diet will be applied free of charge:

– In newborns, the initial cycle must be applied: BCG (tuberculosis) , Antipolio and Hepatitis B
– At 2, 4 and 6 months: Polio, DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae. Pneumococcus and rotavirus (2 and 4 months).
– At 12 months: triple viral (measles, rubella and mumps) and yellow fever, pneumococcus and hepatitis A
– At 18 months: antipolio and DTC reinforcement.
– At age 5: Antipolio, DTP and Triple viral booster
Women aged 15 to 49 must be vaccinated against tetanus until the five doses are completed, adults over 60 years old should be vaccinated every year, against the flu.

· Carry the vaccination card, to validate whether the application of vaccines is necessary.
· Influenza or diarrhea are not reasons to stop getting vaccinated.

· People who have a temperature above 38.5 degrees Celsius, checked with a thermometer, may postpone the date of application of the vaccine.
· After vaccinations children may experience pain at the site of application, develop fever
· Carefully observe the child and consult with his doctor if he notices any signs of pain. Other reactions

· Do not give any medicine unless it is formulated by the doctor or the person giving the vaccine to the child.
· Follow the recommendations given by health personnel at the time of vaccination.
· When in doubt, ask health staff for information about your IHP.

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