Private external debt increased by 52.15% in 7 years


From January to April 2018, private external debt increased by 3.64% from $ 52,231 million to $ 54,209 million. Of this last figure, 17,780 million were loans to banks ($ 14,569 million) and others ($ 3,211 million to Bancoldex, Financiera Energética Nacional, Findeter, Fogafin and Banco de la República), according to figures from the US $ 17 million. Transmitter.

Wilman Gómez researcher at the Macroeconomics Group of the University of Antioquia, said that this could mean "a process of increased financial intermediation, that is to say that banks should use fewer external resources for their commercial credit activities. in the interior of the country. "

In general, external debt amounted to $ 127.321 million in April 2018 ($ 73.113 million from the public sector and $ 54.209 million from the private sector), which represents 36.8% of the domestic product. Gross (GDP)

If the figures are badyzed from 2000 to 2017 (all years represented by the Issuer), Colombian private external debt increased by $ 37.131 million, from $ 15.522 million. in 2000 to $ 52.653 million in 2017. This means an increase of 70.52% over the last 17 years.

Thus, the indicator went from 15.5% of GDP in 2000 to 16, 7% in 2017, according to the Issuer's figures.

For Carlos Sepulveda Dean of the School of Economics of the Universidad del Rosario, this is the result of the leverage policies that companies have used in recent years.

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