Babies who eat solid foods at an early age have fewer sleep problems The Quindío Chronicle


Babies who start eating solid foods before six months tend to sleep longer, according to one study.

  Babies who eat solid foods at an early age have less trouble sleeping

Babies who start eating solid before reaching the age of six months tend to suffer less sleep problems than those who are badfed exclusively within this period according to a study published in the journal Jama Pediatrics.

Babies who eat solid foods at an earlier age sleep longer wake up less frequently and suffer less severe sleep problems, according to joint research at King's College and at the University of Toronto. St. George University, London

The current advice of the British government indicate that mothers should try to badfeed only their babies up to the age of six months. age .

See also: 6-month-old babies are able to recognize happy voices and faces

However, 75% of British mothers introduce solid foods to their diet before five months according to the report.

Of these mothers, a quarter do so because their children often wake up at night . question, the team led by Professor Gideon Lack, of King's College, badyzed 1,303 children from England and Wales aged three months exclusively badfed between January 2008 and August 2015 . The authors divided the children into two groups: some took only six months, following official recommendations, and the others started eating solid foods from three months . : Babies know how to reason Luso before learning to speak

Parents completed monthly online questionnaires until their babies were 12 months old and then every three months until 39 at the age of three years.

Of the 1,303 children who participated in the study, 94% -1,225- completed the three-year questionnaire: 608 exclusive badfeeding group and 607 of the early introduction of the food group .

The early introduction group slept for a quarter of the year. time – 16.6 minutes – more per night – almost 2 hours more per week – and his nocturnal waking frequency increased from just over twice a night to 1.74 . from this research support widespread parental opinion that the early introduction of solids improves sleep "said Lack, in contradiction with the official recommendation of the British government.

For his share, the co-author al, Michael Perkin, considered that the increase in sleep hours is " small but significant "

"Since the sleep of childhood directly affects the quality of life of parents, even a small improvement can have significant benefits "said Perkin, of St. George University.


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