After negotiating the new pricing framework, Edesur owners change CEOs in Argentina


The Italian group Enel will appoint a new national director to direct its operations in the local energy sector. Mauricio Bezzeccheri will be General Manager of Enel Américas who, in addition to Argentina, has subsidiaries in Brazil, Colombia and Peru under his aegis.
After three years leading the operations of Enel in Argentina Maurizio Bezzeccheri will leave his post to badume a regional position in the Italian group in the country he owns the distributor of Electricity Edesur .

The executive came to the country in October 2015 to take over as director of the country of the energy conglomerate in replacement of Fabrizio Allegra, who had left the group.

From this position, in addition to the activities of Edesur, he was responsible for the management of Central Costanera Southern Central Dock, El Chocón Hidroeléctrica and Cemsa.

He was also the commander of the negotiations with the Mauricio Macri government to finish defining and sealing the tariff agreements that allowed the prices of electricity bills to be increased. after more than 12 years of freezing that had settled in Kirchnerismo .

In this context, Bezzecheri suffers the consequences of financial attrition that Edesur mentioned, precisely because of the lack of updating of his income and the constant increase in costs an equation that became risky for public services, to the point that many were near the bankruptcy .

Now, when the scenario for both companies in Enel in Argentina and for the rest of the companies that operate in the energy sector has become more stable the executive will occupy an Enel position for all of Latin America

He will replace Luca D'Agnese in the general direction of Enel Américas information that will be formalized by the Italian holding in the next hours.

In fact, Bezzeccheri will badume the next 1 August as one of the maximum referents of the society under which the operations of the group are located in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru .

In the case of local operations, it is expected that the European group will designe a new CEO also from Italy, although his name has not yet been disclosed.

Enel America is the continuation of Enersis Americas and is considered the electrical business to the largest private company in Latin America, adding an installed capacity of 11,219 MW which is provided to more than 17.2 million customers.

The company began a process of corporate restructuring that began in April. 2015 and completed in December 2016 and which consisted of separating the activities of generation and distribution electrical developed in Chile, from those of the rest of the countries.

At that time, his Argentine affiliates became known as Generation Enel Costanera, Enel El Chocón Generation and Enel Trading Argentina, in addition to Enel Green Power Argentina, which operates in the renewable energy segment.

In the case of Bezzeccheri, of 60 years he comes from Pompeii, Italy, graduated as Doctor Cum Laude in Chemical Engineering from the University of Naples and until To now, p

executive positions in Europe, America and Middle East countries.

His career in the Enel Group began in 1999 and since then he has held various positions until baduming October 2015 as Country Director of Enel Argentina with an activity in the areas of energy production, transport, distribution and marketing.

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