Despite a difficult semester, soybean and beef exports grew


The Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP) yesterday released the foreign trade report at the end of the first half of 2018, where it badyzed imports, exports and the trade balance.

Paper presented by the Department of Economic Studies, shows that between January and June, shipments abroad amounted to 6 426.8 million USD, an increase of 10, 5% compared to the same period in 2017. This result is mainly due to positive figures that record exports of agricultural products (see infographic).

In this sense, the report indicates that, despite the truckers' strike at the beginning of the year, which meant a reduction in exports in the first months, recovered soybean remittances reached 1,585, $ 9 million. That's 17.3% more than in 2017 in securities and 12.2% in volumes.

Meat shipments, meanwhile, also saw a rise compared to the previous semester, despite the scandal over the Concepción Frigorifico case and the international suspensions. Exports of this product totaled $ 601.7 million, an increase of 14.5% in securities and 13.4% in volumes.

The chief economist of BCP, Miguel Mora, explained that despite a suspension imposed by Russia on the firm Concepción, shipments were satisfactorily covered by other refrigerators. The proof is that, he continues, Russia has imported during this semester twice as much as it imported the previous year, or 41.6% of the destination of Paraguayan meat.

In this segment, the items with the greatest increase in annual values ​​are soybean meal with a variation of 55.8% and textiles and their manufactures with 40%. The most affected product is leather, with a decrease of 21.5%.

Revenue. Total imports, in turn, reached $ 6,108.2 million at the end of the six-month period, representing a growth of 16.9% over 2017.

In this respect, fuels and lubricants registered the largest increase, at 49.5%; followed by manufactured products of agricultural origin, with 28.5%; Taking into account these data, the BCP document concludes by stating that the trade balance (relationship between export and import) closed the semester with a surplus of 318 USD, 6 million

Integrate [19659010] Revenue under tourism
The BCP report also reveals that products entering our country under the tourism regime increased by 2.4% between January and June, reaching the point that consumer goods have totaled US $ 287.3 million, intermediate goods US $ 69.8 million and capital goods US $ 681.7 million Domestic imports are also continuing at very low rates. high. positive for 2017, ie USD 4,825 million, representing a growth of 23.1% compared to the previous year. They come from China, 22.4% from Brazil and 11.7% from Argentina Finally, according to data from the BCP, the entry of cellular devices has dropped by 33%, while imports from increase of 283%.

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